Many types of massages offer benefits beyond simple relaxation. Throughout the years, massage therapy has been known to fight a large number of conditions. Some of the benefits of this therapy include relief from joint and muscle pain, increased blood circulation, as well as stress and depression reduction. With this type of therapy utilized at Bergen Physical Medicine, our licensed massage therapists can help bring your body to a healthier state.
There is a wide variety of massage therapy styles with a wide variety of pressures, movements, and techniques. These all involve pressing, rubbing, or manipulating muscles and other soft tissues with hands and fingers. Massage therapy is recommended for a number of conditions and illnesses. Some of the conditions it is recommended for include: arthritis, TMJ disorders, immune system issues, muscle spasms, insomnia, fibromyalgia and many others.
If you believe you will benefit from chiropractic massage therapy, wait no longer and give us a call today! To learn about the services we provide at the office, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment at Bergen Physical Medicine in Fairview, NJ, call 201-945-9993.